Counsel for a defendant manufacturer in relation to a contract claim in the Auckland High Court with technical subject matter.
Louisa Currie2021-10-28T02:34:09+00:00Counsel for the defendants on claims for breach of confidence and in tort in the Auckland High Court, including resolution of an interim injunction application
Medtech v Pinnacle
Kevin2020-09-03T02:00:30+00:00Counsel for the fourth defendant on a dispute regarding software and allegations of copyright infringement and breach of confidence. The interim injunction application was resolved without a hearing and the case has now settled.
Kevin2020-07-06T03:08:57+00:00Counsel for two defendants on a dispute about whether or not a property was held on trust and other monetary claims, as well as related caveat proceedings.
Re Mosaic Enterprises Limited
Kevin2020-07-06T01:35:09+00:00Counsel for a group of software developers and shareholders on a complex case involving a mixture of intellectual property, company, commercial and insolvency issues. Successful opposition to appointment of interim liquidators and then appointment of my clients’ preferred liquidator on a contested application.
Jespersen v Secretary of the Treasury
Kevin2020-07-06T04:44:03+00:00Counsel for the applicants in seeking orders for sale of a forestry right (with or without the underlying land) and division of the proceeds under the Property Law Act 2007. The case was heard in the Whangarei High Court. It was complicated by one of the shares in the forestry syndicate being owned by a person who had become bankrupt, and the Official Assignee disclaiming the share. The share was accordingly bona vacantia but was also the subject of various applications for orders vesting the property, claims and securities including caveats. As a result, 11 sets of respondents were involved and it was necessary to remove caveats and have detailed orders around the marketing and sale process as well as provide for rectification of unequal contributions which had been made over time. The Court granted the sale order and made payments directing the reimbursement of partners who had paid costs associated with the property. The proceeds relating to the disputed share were directed to be held in trust pending resolution of the claims regarding that interest.
Corporate Sureties Limited v Macken
Kevin2020-07-06T02:26:33+00:00Counsel for the defendant trustees on a property dispute, which involved defending a summary judgment application in the Auckland High Court regarding specific performance of an agreement for sale and purchase of land.
Kevin2020-07-06T03:01:16+00:00Counsel for the lessor/defendant in relation to a lease dispute following cancellation, including an interim injunction application seeking reinstatement
Kevin2022-11-09T02:13:12+00:00Counsel for a minority (49%) shareholder in relation to a shareholder dispute involving lease and directors’ duties issues, and applications under sections 174 and 241 of the Companies Act
Starik v Auckland Council & Ors
Kevin2022-11-09T02:14:12+00:00Counsel for a defendant on a Weathertight Homes Tribunal case heard over 7 days.