Moral rights

Copyright is concerned with protecting the economic interests of the copyright owner.  The Copyright Act also contains a parallel regime which relate to recognition and protection of non-pecuniary matters.  Those rights are referred to collectively as moral rights. The leading intellectual property academic Professor William Cornish describes a moral right as being “a proprietary right which protects the personality of authors as expressed in their creations alongside their economic interests in exploitation” [...]

2020-07-28T00:41:17+00:00Intellectual property|Comments Off on Moral rights


Copyright was once a relatively arcane area of the law which had little impact on the general public.  Technological changes associated with the growth of the internet have changed that.  Copyright law is now hotly debated, and many members of the public have strong opinions on how the law should operate. What is copyright? Copyright is a property right and is one of the main areas of intellectual property.  As with other [...]

2020-06-02T01:46:57+00:00Intellectual property|Comments Off on Copyright
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